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Categories of wallpapers

Abstract Wallpapers

The meaningful image of this type of wallpaper comes in different kinds of colors, designs, style and the shapes. Colorful stripes or blur geometry, neon curves and chaos patterns - all these kinds of abstract images could be defined with several words only. These words are: I don't know what IT exactly is, but oh my gosh, it's too beautiful for words! Abstract wallpapers will always stand out when it comes to people who like dreaming away. It is an excellent option for modern art lovers or conceptual thinkers. The graphics pleases the eye of someone you see the art that offers the viewers appreciate the intensified sensory perception of visual experience. The complex patterns and vivid colors associated with the psychedelic visual effect builds a powerful force as a perfect choice of the desktop background. It alters the perception and cognition of the viewers because of the interesting and creative visual effects. Therefore, if you are an artwork lover and satisfied with the visual effects of different colors and patterns, and looking for a creative monitor display, this must be your perfect choice.

Abstract wallpapers suits best for widescreen monitors; it maintains the color and definition expressions of the desktop background. Consequently, transform your default picture from its boring look into an impressive smart one. This type of wallpapers doesn’t show any kind and form of imaging, but the color and shapes of the image seem to look creatively different. Cool Wallpapers recommends